Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Green Beans?!

Hey all
Not much to report. Just a few pictures to share of my cool little dude. The pictures with him eating is him eating green beans. He was passing gas like a grown man for a little while there this past weekend. Freaked me out, lol. I gave him peas today. I think he's starting to feel them out a bit more. I am so excited to finish these last little jars of green beans and peas. I got a Magic Bullet as a gift and I made a green bean and a pea puree with it. I am so excited to be making his baby food!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Yes, I am a slacker

Hey all...
Sorry I've been MIA. At least it wasn't 3 months this time, huh? Since the last time I blogged, Easter came. I can't believe how darling my little man looked in his Easter outfit. Kudos to Dre's mom for picking it out. It was sweet!
Hmmm...what else is going on? Oh! I'm moving to Columbus at the end of May for sure. I am so excited to start on this new journey of my life. I have been in northeast Ohio for almost 5 years *wow* and I have wanted to live in Columbus for a very long time. I have an apartment lined up already and I am psyched because I will have MY OWN ROOM! I know this may not sound like a lot, but when you're living in a studio with a 5 month old, you value any space! My new apartment has a washer and dryer connection, a dishwasher, and, get this, A WALK IN CLOSET! For anyone who has seen my closet space in this apartment you will understand what I was in amazement when I saw this. The baby will have his own room as well. I'm so happy about this because he definitely deserves to have his own space to grow and play. I'm so excited for him to have a crib (FINALLY) and a dresser to put his thousands of clothes in lol. I'm also excited because I plan on buying him a Jumperoo and ExerSaucer. He's gonna have so much fun!
I also have 2 job prospects...and one is a county job! I am so excited and have been praying very hard that I get this job. I had my 2nd interview today and the lady from HR loved my suit. Please keep me in your prayers on this one. It would really improve my financial situation and would be a definite career advancement.
As always, here are some new pics of my chicken. He's 14lbs 3 oz as of today (he has been having issues with his nose and skin and I went to the pediatrician today to get him checked out). He didn't even flinch when she took his temp...rectally! What a good boy I have!

Watching Saturday morning cartoons!

My head holding upper, drooling baby boy!

Happy Easter!
C'mere Mama!!
I'm coo like that!

Like father like son...watching the NBA Finals.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

3 month lapse??

WOW. Three months since I've last blogged. SO many things have changed. For starters, little bambino boy is now 4 months old! I seriously cannot believe it. Four months is such a short amount of time but I swear I feel like he has been here for a lifetime already! I am so curious as to what he weighs since we haven't been to the pediatrician since the end of January. Thanks to Abercrombie and Fitch, we had to wait for the baby's insurance card until like the middle of March! (Please note that we should have received it at the beginning of January!!) He has an appointment in two weeks and I can't wait to see what he weighs. I'm guessing at least 13 pounds.
I am no longer breastfeeding. This was a very hard decision for me to make, but I had to. I blame my job solely for this. It was depressing because he would start rooting for my boob, but I had to deny him. I swear, there is no bond like nursing.
Andre started on rice cereal a couple of weeks ago, but only in his bottle at night. No, I do not care that you, "shouldn't," put cereal in a baby's bottle. Ask your parents if they did. You may be surprised with the answer! He sleeps so much better. Last night he even slept for 6 hours. Do you know what a dream this is!?
We recently went home to surprise my mom. I'm putting the videos on YouTube for all to see because her and Raven's reactions were amazing! I'll also post the video of Dre, "talking." It's so cute. My dad thinks he has a deep voice for a baby. I can't wait until we can actually hold a conversation!
Here are some current pictures (from St. Patty's Day and our visit home). Enjoy!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Quick Update...

I can't believe it's been almost a month since I've blogged. Things have just been so hectic here. I am stopping in to post his one month stats. He's 8lbs and now 20" long. He is still being breastfed, but I have added a bottle of formula at night to try and get him to sleep a little longer. Last night was the first night I tried this, and it worked...sorta. At least he slept more than a 2.5 hour stretch! I'll take anything at this point.

Christmas was okay. It was the 1st Christmas without being with my family and the 1st Christmas with my son. My parents were an extreme blessing to me. I got a breast pump (the good kind!), a one hr facial, massage, and pedicure, and, get this...my mom is giving me her car!! I am so excited. I fly home in a couple of weeks and will have help driving it back.

Look how big my little man is getting! It's crazy. This was taken on Christmas day.

Happy New Year!