Tuesday, November 25, 2008

1 day past due.

Today I am officially one day past my due date. Am I bummed? A little. I guess I am in such anticipation to see him and meet him. I've spent 10 months growing this little person and the highlight of my 10 months has come and gone. Yea, I know it's only one day, but you try walking around with the equivalent of a bowling ball or small pumpkin hanging off your abdomen!

I went to my appointment today and I am 1-2 centimeters dilated. I am also 75% effaced (thinned out for you non-obstetrical folks!). I guess I am grateful that it's thinning out...now it just needs to open to fit his widdle head through!

I am hoping that he decides to come on his own before Sunday night. If not, I will be induced...not something that I am looking forward to. The drug they give you (Pitocin) is brutal (so I've heard) because they cause contractions...though not all at once and not super strong in the beginning. I just want things to go how they're supposed to. If I am induced, this means I'll be having a Decemeber 1st baby. That's okay too...I just thought it would be cool for the 3 of us (me, Andre, and the baby) to have out birthdays one month after each other (Andre-September, Me-October, Dre Jr.-November).

My mom and I went to the mall today to get some walking in for me. I had a great coupon from Bath & Body Works and ended up getting these slippers for free! They are absolutely the SOFTEST and CUTEST things ever. They're from their "Lambie" collection. Please excuse my cankles!!

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