Saturday, November 1, 2008

"Water sucks! It really, really sucks!" - Waterboy

Ya know, I never knew how TRUE those words could be especially after being pregnant. I mean, the recommended amount of water a pregnant woman is supposed to drink is supposed to be somewhere between 64 and 80 ounces. Holy water bottles, Batman! First of all, how is that humanly possible for someone who works full time and has any sort of life?? I guess my gripe is, what's the point if all it's gonna do is send me to the potty every half hour? I got as much as I could in (usually around 3 bottles of water) when I was working, but now that I'm on maternity leave, should I be shooting for more?? I mean, is it not bad enough that I get up 2-3 times a night just to go? Now I'm supposed to add in 10 more trips to the john on top of the 35 I already take? I swear, my toilet paper and handsoap are continuing to run low! (Guys have it so easy...well, as far as the TP thing goes. Hopefully you gentleman are all washing your hands, lol!)

Anyway, I wanted to start this whole thing because every member of my entire family is in another state. So, in order to make sure everyone keeps in touch and gets updated and all, I decided to do this. Hey, I thought it was a pretty good idea.

If anyone has not seen the progression of the belly on either MySpace or Facebook, here's a link to my Facebook album. You won't be able to make comments or anything, but you can still enjoy them nonetheless:

In other news, I had my 36 week appointment this week. From this week on I will be seeing my midwife weekly. (No, I am NOT giving birth at home with a tree hugging hippie! My midwife is a nurse midwife...she does everything an Ob/Gyn would do except C-Sections and circumcisions). This weeks appointment was a bit uneventful. The usual leave your sample, step on the scale, measure the belly, and listen to the baby's heartbeat (<-- ALWAYS the best part of my day!!). I will be seeing her next week and will get checked to see if there is any progress in the way of dilation/effacement. I sure hope so! I can't wait to see my little boy's face!

Countdown to due date: 23 days!

Happy November!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Wedding Singer is one of my favorite movies, too. I'm glad you are on leave. Keep your feet elevated as much as possible.